
Society's Newsletter June 2013  


(Albrighton, Boningale, Donington-with-Boscobel and Tong)

Thank you

We would like to thank all those many members who joined or renewed their membership of the Society at our stall at the Albrighton Fayre. Our Society can only function if we have support from residents. If you have not yet done so, then please send the form below & your subscription to any of the addresses below – joining now provides membership up to

30th September 2014 – please don’t miss this good deal >>>>

>>> 15 months membership for the price of 12 months.

Individual members £1 Family membership (all people at one address) £2

We also thank everyone who supported our stall …and also helped retain the village Fayre.

Planters in the High Street

You may have seen that we have set up three planters. These were financed 2/3 by the Civic Society and 1/3 by Albrighton Parish Council with whom we have worked in a successful joint venture on this scheme. We are grateful to Jackie Hanson for her advice in choosing suitable plants and Brian Maylor & Roger Teecey for putting the planters in place - they weigh a lot! - and Lorraine Moore for help with the planting. We are very pleased that the following nearby traders have now offered to maintain and water them: Cartwright’s Flowers & Vegetables, Albrighton Hardware Shop and Rumbles Chip Shop. Thanks to Professional Engraving Co, Telford (T:01952 210322) for the plaques on the planters and to Kingswood Nurseries for the special deal with the plants. We thank you all for your help which has contributed to the this project.

If you feel that these islands of colour enhance the hard surface areas of our High Street we will try to provide more – any suggestions for location?

NEW – look Website

For local information and news of forthcoming events by many clubs and societies in our district, please see our website. Our new webmaster, Shaun Meredith-Jones, is waiting for you to send him any announcements of your clubs activities which will be put on our NEW notice board. There will also be a separate notice board for notices, which need to be left for longer periods, such as details of regular events which take place every week or month.

You will also find the contact details for all local clubs and volunteer groups together with contacts for all community organisations such as the Medical Practice, Traders Association, Dental Practice, Library, Parish Councils, Red House etc

Civic Society Awards for Schools

This year was the best ever with the most entries. The theme this years was local architectural features and there were many innovative and excellent submissions, which made it difficult to pick winners. Almost 80 children from all three local primary schools took part. The winner of the Crawford Cup as best overall entries was Birchfield School, Runner-up and Winner of the Crawford Shield was Albrighton Primary School who also received a Certificate for Exceptional Artwork for their submissions showing architectural details of their school. All the entries are displayed in the Library, which attracted interest from the press - you may have seen the articles – thanks to Margaret Leach and all at the library who provided space for us#.

Renewal / new member (please delete as appropriate) Amount paid…....……Date..……..............…

Name/s: …………………………………………………….........….........Tel No..............................................

Address: ……………………………………………………….......................…………………...…..................


If you wish to be a volunteer helper with some of the work we do please tick

Please place money with cut-off slip in an envelope and leave at any of the following locations: 31/32 High St - 4 Cross Road - 54 Station Road - Parish Council Office 82b High St.

For more information please see www or contact:
Peter Woodman –Chairman ((: 01902 372225) 31/32 High St or Rod Smith -Secretary ((: 01902 372765)