Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the

Albrighton & District Civic Society

held at APC Office, 82B High St, Albrighton,

on Monday 7th January 2013 at 2pm



Peter Woodman - Chairman

Rod Smith – Secretary.

David Hughes – Treasurer

Sarah Baker

John Bulmer

Ron Kidson

Mike Pitchford

Alan Wilmot

David Beechey – ex-officio, representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC

David Murray – ex-officio, representing Tong PC

Michael Ward – ex-officio, representing Albrighton PC (part of meeting)

Malcolm G Pate – Shropshire Councillor (part of meeting)



1. Apologies  received from Peter Leigh. Sarah Baker was co-opted and was welcomed to the meeting

2. Minutes of Meeting of 3rd December 2012 were approved except to note that the name of the owner of the Station Building is Mr Miah.

Mr Steve Brown, Shropshire Council, was welcomed to the meeting

Several issues of lack of maintenance of street furniture and pavement/footpath attention were raised.

a) The need to paint the lamp columns black had been raised two years ago and still not done – SB: they were not forgotten.

b) SB: weeding of the traffic islands at Station Road/A41 would be done by end of March 2013 and these are normally done once per year.

c) Patshull Lane/A464 Entrance Scheme beds would continue to be maintained by the Society but SB agreed to mow the grass verges more often. Normally SC mow three times per year but JB suggested it should be once per month. As the DH of the Society mows the corner at Patshull Rd/A464 saving SC this task then SB agreed to mow the other two corners more frequently than three times per year and would ask Anne Breakwell to organise it.

d) When the block paving is needed to be repaired (when bollards are hit etc) then it should be done with the same style blocks and not to replace the blocks with concrete

e) The Society noted that many footpaths have significant surface defects including:-

i) Cross Rd between No. 4 and The Orchard where SC removed a manhole and the backfilling has sunk

ii) Church Rd. This item had been raised at the meeting with SB on 3 May 2011 and the minutes state:- Resident issue (previously reported to the Customer Service Centre by Mr Shaun Meridith-Jones of Church Rd), to be revisited by SB, ACTION 8 SB to pursue and report back.

iii) Cross Rd. Footpath near No.8 where the cable manhole is slightly lower than the surround and a pond forms

Iv) Cross Rd. Gutter at junction of Cross Rd /The Courts is low and a pond of several sq.m area forms.

v) dip in road surface at junction of Cross RdA464

SB agreed to make a summary of the points raised and send a copy to the Society and then to attend to the defects. ACTION: SB

 Discussion with Cllr M G Pate concerning the Village Plan Light.

a) MGP:-1300 questionnaires were returned (out of 4800). Youth Survey showed they did not want any changes. Workshops to be held on 16th January.

b) The Society felt that traffic management in Albrighton needed an overall and coordinated planned approach as stated in the Letter sent to the Village Plan Committee and to Chris Edwards (SC) and wanted this proposal to be included in the Village Plan Light.

c) The Society strongly recommended that an overall concept plan for all the area of the “White Land” between Shaw Lane/Kingswood Rd/Beamish Lane should be prepared and not to develop this land piecemeal. For example, it is likely that extra parking for the Station could be either on the White land itself in the “ previous Gas Field” OR a land swop of some white land with the area at the south of the Station Approach ramp (subject to owner’s agreement) which could then be for parking – this should be noted in the Village Plan Light. Consideration of other items, other than houses, such as leisure areas could be discussed, considered and added. The idea was not to have a definite plan or a committed plan but to have concept plan which could be referred to in future considerations when planning any next phases, if any, of the white land.

MGP was opposed to having such an overall concept plan.

(Post Meeting Note – at the 16/1 workshop, this point was raised by RS with the Planning Consultant who agreed that this matter could be included in the Village Plan Light)


3.Main Issues

a) Station Heritage Centre.

PW has followed up with other funders including Veolia who may be able to help and PW is drafting an application. ACTION:  PW

SB suggested contacting Marston’s Brewery who has funds for communities. ACTION: SB to check this and report back.

DM suggested that shares could be offered to residents say at £50 or £100.

ACTION: PW/DM to review this option and report back

ACTION: RS to chase up Fiona Fortune (SC) who was marking up her very long list of potential funders to show likely ones

b) Villages Entrance Scheme.

JB thanked all (John Foster, Sarah Baker, Bob Lansley, Mike Pitchford, and JB’s son) who recently planted bulbs in Albrighton & Boningale. JB reported that it was agreed with Boningale PC that the areas at the junction of Patshull Lane/A464 will be improved by the Society and re-inspected in December 2013.

c) Planters.

MP reported on his presentation to Alb PC and it was agreed that 3 No. planters would be pourchased directly by Alb PC and ADCS would transfer £1100 (£600 LJC + £500 AlbPC) to Alb PC who would make the purchase – all subject to agreement by SC who provided the £600 LJC grant and agreement with SC and AlbPC on locations.

ACTION: MP to complete negotiations with SC and AlbPC

d) School Awards Scheme

PW reported that Alb Primary and Birchfield will participate this year. PW is meeting the new head of St Mary’s. Idsall do not respond to any correspondence.

e) Traffic Management

See discussion with Cllr Pate above.

f) Public WC in Crown Car Park

Members who stayed on at the last AlbPC meeting reported that it appeared that the Council had asked Cllr Nelson to inspect the building and review the matter. His report was that if AlbPC want to revert back to conventional toilets for Gents and Ladies in two separate parts then the Company who owns the Automatic Loo are asking for many thousands of pounds to remove their equipment. It appeared that some hard questions need to be asked.

ACTION: PW to send email to ask Steve Brown (and cc MW) for copies of the paperwork relating to the WC.

Any Other Business

a) RK reported that a lot and serious vandalism has taken place in the last 2 weeks, including damage to St Mary’s Church Centre and windows at St Joseph’s.

Next meeting:  2 p.m. Monday 4th February 2013

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 4th March 2013.

All Committee Meetings, unless otherwise noted, are on the first Monday of each month at

Alb PC Offices, 82B High Street, Albrighton WV7 3JA (T: 375455).

(All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

– NOTE FOR YOUR DIARY: next AGM is at 7.30pm on 14th October 2013)